Feedback and complaints

I have feedback and/or ideas on how you can improve the service.

Qred is always striving to improve our services and products, so we really appreciate feedback from our customers. Would you like to share with us how you experience our service? Then you can contact us via e-mail or phone number 02 588 09 83. Your feedback will then be evaluated and used by the team responsible for the service and/or product in question.

I am dissatisfied – How can I make a complaint?

Are you not satisfied with our services and/or products? If so, please contact our Qred customer service team in the first instance. Our team is happy to think along with you about a possible solution and help resolve misunderstandings. We strive to handle all complaints quickly, effectively and to your complete satisfaction. Your feedback, both positive and negative, is also used to improve our services and products.

We always try to resolve complaints immediately upon first becoming aware of them. However, sometimes this is not possible or the solution offered is not to the customer's satisfaction. In these cases, we recommend the following steps:

What happens if I am dissatisfied with Qred's response to my complaint?

Are you not satisfied with the response you received from Qred? Then we advise you to submit a formal complaint to the Qred complaints officer using this form. The complaints officer will then take an impartial look at the case and make a new assessment.

Please note that your written request for reconsideration of the complaint must contain full information about the case. For example, the complaints officer must know why you are not satisfied, what happened during your previous contacts with us and what desired solution you have in mind.

You will receive a reply as soon as a final decision has been taken (no later than 15 working days after the submission of your formal complaint). We will contact you if we are unable to resolve the matter within this timeframe, so that we can inform you of the reason for the delay and how we will proceed with your complaint.

Please note that our complaints officer will only assess cases that have already been dealt with by Qred's customer service. Is this the first time you wish to report a complaint? Then we ask you to contact our customer service at

Complaints are handled in accordance with guidelines from the PSD2 and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

I have contacted your customer service, but I am still not satisfied with the handling. What should I do to take further steps?

The company has appointed Qeld's Customer Operations Manager as Complaints Officer. If you are dissatisfied with the response you received from our customer service department, we encourage you to submit a request for action to Qred's Complaint Officer by email to The Complaint Officer will then review and reassess the matter in the most impartial, thorough and efficient manner.