Divergent opening hours

We are open between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. every weekday. Below you can see on which holidays we have different opening hours:

  • New Year's Day
  • Easter Monday
  • Labor Day/May vacation
  • Ascension Day
  • Whit Monday
  • National holiday of Belgium
  • Ascension of the Virgin Mary
  • All Saints
  • Downtime day
  • Christmas Day

Did we contact you?

Sometimes we contact companies to follow up on an application or active engagement with us. We may call on different numbers, depending on whether it is a loan or a collection issue.

Have we contacted your company and want to know why? Call us at 02 588 09 83, and we can tell you more. Of course, you can also email support@qred.be or chat with us here on the website.

Remember, you can always ask to be called back when you get a call to make sure it is the right bank or company you are talking to.

Svensk företagare som är nöjd med sitt Qred VISA företagskort

For government agencies only

Choose one of the following options to contact us:

1. Send an e-mail to legal@qred.com
2. Send a physical letter:
Qred Bank AB
Drottninggatan 98
SE-111 60 Stockholm, Sweden

PLEASE NOTE: Through none of these options will you get in touch with customer service.